CA Naresh Kansal
Here are the areas of expertise for CA Naresh Kansal:
ØGST Advisory, Compliance & Audit: Providing guidance on GST matters, ensuring compliance with GST regulations, and conducting GST audits.
ØGST Litigation: Handling disputes and legal matters related to GST.
ØDue Diligence & Compliance Review: Conducting thorough assessments and reviews to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
ØTax Planning: Developing strategies to minimize tax liabilities and optimize financial outcomes
Here are the education and professional qualifications of CA Naresh Kansal:
ØChartered Accountant (ICAI): Member of the Institute of Chartered Accountants of India.
ØFCA, B.Com., M.Com.: Fellow Chartered Accountant with Bachelor of Commerce and Master of Commerce degrees.
ØIndependent Director (MCA-IICA): Recognized as an independent director by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs and the Indian Institute of Corporate Affairs.
ØCertification Courses:
vPeer Reviewer from ICAI
vPublic Finance & Government Accounting
vForensic Accounting and Fraud Detection
vThe Insolvency and Bankruptcy Code, 2016
vConcurrent Audit of Banks
vService Tax (APRA Research Foundation)
These qualifications highlight a comprehensive expertise in accounting, finance, and regulatory compliance. Let me know if there's anything else you'd like to know!
The text in the image describes a professional with extensive experience in various fields over the past 15 years, including:
üAudit and Investigation
üDue Diligence
üDirect and Indirect Taxation
üCompany Law Matters for both domestic and foreign companies
üManagement Consultancy
üInformation System Audit
üFEMA (Foreign Exchange Management Act)
Their clientele comprises large and medium-sized companies, firms, trusts, societies, charitable and educational institutions, as well as some renowned individuals.